Please allow 3 business days for all seed orders.
The most natural pest control on the market. Using permaculture practices as inspiration, this mix was created to help build habitat that will attract beneficial insects to the landscape. The established plants will assist in forming healthier, more balanced ecosystems of predator to prey. By planting this seed mix, conservationists, farmers and landscapers can help end cycles of pest damage by allowing nature to prevail. Handles full sun to part shade and dry to slightly moist soil conditions.
Recommended Seeding Rate: 15 lbs. per acre
Botanical Name & % of Mix
Achillea millefolium (Common Yarrow) 4.00%
Asclepias incarnata (Swamp milkweed) 0.50%
Asclepias incarnata var. pulchra (Eastern Swamp Milkweed) 0.50%
Asclepias syriaca (Common milkweed) 0.50%
Chamaecrista fasciculata (Partridge pea) 6.00%
Coreopsis lanceolata (Lanceleaf tickseed) 5.00%
Echinacea purpurea (Purple coneflower) 6.00%
Eragrostis spectabilis (Purple love grass) 4.00%
Eryngium yuccifolium (Rattlesnake master) 3.50%
Eupatorium perfoliatum (Common boneset) 0.50%
Heliopsis helianthoides (False sunflower) 1.00%
Liatris spicata (Dense blazing star) 3.00%
Lobelia siphilitica (Blue lobelia) 1.00%
Monarda fistulosa (Wild bergamot) 4.00%
Monarda punctata (Spotted horsemint) 5.00%
Penstemon digitalis (Foxglove beardtongue) 2.00%
Penstemon hirsutus (Hairy beardtongue) 2.00%
Pycnanthemum tenuifolium (Slender mountain mint) 1.00%
Rudbeckia hirta (Black-eyed Susan) 2.00%
Rudbeckia laciniata (Cutleaf coneflower) 2.00%
Schizachyrium scoparium (Little bluestem) 19.00%
Solidago juncea (Early goldenrod) 2.00%
Solidago nemoralis (Gray goldenrod) 7.00%
Sorghastrum nutans (Indiangrass) 4.50%
Symphyotrichum laeve (Smooth aster) 6.00%
Symphyotrichum oblongifolium (Aromatic aster) 5.00%
Tradescantia ohiensis (Ohio spiderwort) 1.00%
Zizia aurea (Golden Alexander) 2.00%
*Mix design and pricing are subject to change without notice depending on the availability of current and future products. Changes to the mix will not affect its function. Mixes are pre-mixed unless otherwise requested. *
Mix composition last update 2/27/24
Pinelands Nursery
Native Seed Mixes